Adrian illyana Bajema

Adrian illyana Bajema

Adrian Illyana was only with us for 9 weeks but we got to spend most of that precious time with her in the comfort of our home. She was born full term breech at only 3 lbs 8 oz in May 2020, early in the pandemic. Despite insurmountable health challenges, she navigated...
Anya Janoski

Anya Janoski

Anya was a teacher to so many of us: family, friends, teachers! She was funny, sneaky, and very challenging. Anya was tube-fed until 2 1/2 yrs old, walked at 5 years (when she weighed 20 lbs!,) and even though her mom is a Speech Pathologist !, she never talked. Anya...
Jocelyne Sharrard

Jocelyne Sharrard

Jocelyne passed just short of her 43 birthday. Born in 1978 at 1 lb. 3 oz she had been a fighter her entire life. Despite her disabilities she taught our family, and all who knew her, more about unconditional love and compassion than you could imagine. Give her a...
Jessica Doherty

Jessica Doherty

Jessica was a perfectly wonderful little human being. She had a smile that melted my heart. It was unconditional love that bonded us forever. With the odds stacked against her, Jessica had to try much harder than “regular” folks to communicate and be...
Denise Volsic

Denise Volsic

Our sweet girl Denise was born in 1974 when not much was known about CdLS. Thank goodness for the formation of the CdLS Foundation which became a great source of information and support for families. She lived her entire 47 years with her parents and taught us much...
Adam Hasecke

Adam Hasecke

Adam was born during the time when families were just beginning to find each other, first through the newsletter, and then through the Foundation. He was a mystery to his doctors, educators, therapists and family but everyone fell in love with him immediately! He was...