Raise Awareness
The importance of advocacy and to raise awareness is to help families feel less isolated and help individuals with CdLS receive an earlier diagnosis.
In order to raise awareness in your hometown and in the medical community, we rely on the volunteer efforts of the families we serve to help us spread the word. We are hoping to increase education in neighborhoods, schools and the medical community by reaching out to local schools, organizations, hospitals and medical offices.
Click the link below to request your awareness packet, which will included customized materials based on the type of presentation you are doing. You’ll also receive various printed marketing materials available from the Foundation to share.
In our CdLS Media Room you’ll find Foundation press releases, links to CdLS-related print and broadcast news coverage, and our online press kit, which contains downloadable images/materials and basic facts about CdLS for use by the media, students and others.
International CdLS Awareness Day
International CdLS Awareness Day is observed on the second Saturday of May each year in order to shed light on this often misdiagnosed, little-known genetic syndrome. Parents, volunteers and others request official Awareness Day proclamations from governors and local leaders; hang awareness flyers in public places; make presentations to civic groups or health workers; write to their local newspapers; and much more.
The CdLS Foundation encourages a variety of awareness raising activities throughout the month of May in honor of International CdLS Awareness Day.
Questions or suggestions? Contact Gabrielle Nadeau at outreach@CdLSusa.org or 800.753.2357 for more information.
Here are ways you can get involved:

Social Media
Join our social media “International CdLS Awareness Day” campaign by changing your profile and cover pictures to share how important CdLS awareness is to you! Artwork is available for use in social media. Any other use of images requires approval from the CdLS Foundation.
Raise awareness in your child’s school or local schools and help educate children about CdLS. For younger children, bring copies of our coloring sheet for them to color and hang up on a wall or bulletin board for Awareness Day. You can teach children about acceptance, understanding, and that we are all different in some way and that’s what makes us special.
Awareness Day Proclamations
Each year, parents, volunteers and others request official Awareness Day proclamations from governors and local leaders; hang awareness fliers in public places; make presentations to civic groups or health workers; write their local newspapers; and much more.
Elevator Pitches
Elevator pitches are an old trick of the trade for journalists and marketers. The idea is to sell your story or idea in 30 seconds or less. The goal is to be impactful, personal and make your audience want to know more. Try one of our sample elevator pitches this Awareness Day!
Media Outreach
Submit a press release to local news outlets, or a public service announcement to the local radio station. If you’re hosting an event, or activity in your community, please review our suggested talking points.
Other Awareness Day ideas include:
- Post CdLS awareness flyers in local businesses.
- Throw a barbecue for your community with family-friendly activities and resources.
- Host a casino night with your friends and family with proceeds benefiting the CdLS Foundation.
- Ask your local library if you can put some brochures and bookmarks on their welcome desk.
- Host a lemonade stand.
- Plan a dress down day at your place of work.
- Create a postage stamp with the child’s picture on it.
- Set up an awareness booth at a popular shopping area or town event.
- Ask a bank or other business to put an Awareness Day message on its marquee.
- Ask a favorite salon or coffee shop to donate a percentage of the day’s proceeds to the Foundation.