By: Nabeela

I am so grateful to have this angel in my life. I cannot describe her in a few lines. She’s someone whom I never imagined existed in this world.

Born on May 27, 2022, this little human couldn’t breathe for a couple of months. She was diagnosed with CDLS on September 14. She had undergone many surgeries for breathing without any support. She is still fed by the G tube button. Initially, she was fed by NGT.
From the day she was discharged from the NICU (November 25, 2022) until now, she has improved drastically by God’s Grace.
She is still not walking, sitting for some time without support, rolling all sides, not crawling yet still trying her best.

I am the happiest person on Earth to see how she progresses gradually.

She hates to eat or drink anything orally. Still, we are struggling for progress. Soon we will introduce a blenderised diet for her via G tube.
She is prone to many viral or bacterial infections. Gets admitted to ED most of the time. Her saturation keeps fluctuating when she is sick.

Apart from all this mess in her life, she remains Happy, Calm, and wonderful.

Whenever I see her, I tell myself that I need to become strong and brave like her.
I just want to share her life, her Ups And Downs, with everyone so that people know about this syndrome and spread awareness.

These kids are very special, and we can make their lives easier in many ways.

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