Yard Sale Across America
Tag the day for CdLS by hosting a yard sale to benefit the CdLS Foundation.
If you’re ready to eliminate clutter, do so while supporting a great cause by participating in the annual Yard Sale Across America.
Get your neighbors, friends and relatives to donate items to your sale, or volunteer to organize a neighborhood sale, with proceeds benefiting the Foundation. While the official event is in June, you can host your tag sale at any time. The Foundation’s goal is to have at least one yard sale in every state.
For information or to request your Yard Sale Across America Kit, email events or call 800.753.2357. Your kit includes:
- Guidelines for a Successful Yard Sale
- Pre-sale checklist
- CdLS informational sheet, CdLS brochures
- CdLS display – poster presentations
- Flyer to advertise your yard sale in your community
- Return envelope addressed to the CdLS Foundation