Scientific & Educational Symposium
Since 2004, the Foundation has sponsored a symposium in conjunction with its biennial national family conference.
The CdLS Foundation’s National CdLS Scientific and Educational Symposium occurs biennially prior to the National Family Conference. It brings together physicians in various clinical disciplines, scientific researchers, allied health professionals including early intervention therapists and genetic counselors, and teachers to address and learn about clinical and research aspects of Cornelia de Lange syndrome.
Through lectures, panel forum and formal discussions, attendees will learn about medical and educational issues facing individuals with the syndrome, findings that can impact the individuals affected and their families, as well as an update on current basic science advances in cohesin biology and related genetic entities. Animal models used to study CdLS and applications of this work including the search for treatments will be discussed. There will be a focus on behavioral issues, how they affect the individual and family, and potential management.

Learn About Symposium
Symposium brings together new and seasoned researchers to present and publish current and new information related to CdLS and broaden their collective knowledge.
This prestigious two day event precedes the Foundation’s biennial National Family Conference. Having the two conferences back-to-back provides a rare and inspiring opportunity for researchers to interact with the real people they are trying to help.