
Ear Tubes 2

Will ear tubes affect my daughter’s hearing from healing on its own? My daughter will be getting hearing aids and then ear tubes shortly after. I am concerned that my daughter’s doctor is not able to see her actual ear drums thoroughly. The Doctor said that he was only able to see one ear drum and that it looked like there was fluid present. The Doctor said that he prefers to look at it when she is under anesthesia. Is this standard procedure?

Ordinarily, myringotomy tubes improve hearing; they do not make it worse unless there is an unusual complication (such as a perforation or chronic infection).  The tubes help the fluid drain. However, if tubes are not placed, the fluid that collects and solidifies in the middle ear can cause hearing loss and long term damage.  It is easier to see the middle ear under anesthesia.

RS/TK 7-13-10

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Answer Published On: October 18th, 2018 7:31 PM